Time2Train Fitness weight loss

Weight Loss requires a holistic Fitness Plan

Weight loss

Below are some of the most popular scenarios we hear from new clients that have weight loss goals, but something is holding them back. These are the culprits that have plagued them for years:

You cut down on your sugars and stop indulging yourself with the bread brought to your table at your favorite restaurant.

Co-workers celebrate the departure of your best friend at work with a potluck, and your stuck at your desk with a salad and unsweetened ice tea.

You prep your meals every Sunday and hop on your treadmill 5 days a week, but still cant get rid of the pudge on your lower belly from having children.

My husband (or boyfriend) can lose weight at the drop of hat by just watching what he eats but it seems that I have too get a blood transfusion just to lose 1 pound.

I start my weight loss journey and do well for 2 weeks and then get my period and all of my disciplined eating and hard work goes out the window on my 1st day.

Losing weight requires a holistic plan

The success to any long lasting weight loss program is based on the amount of problems you recognize that are barriers to a client’s success. You have a better chance of finding what’s holding them back, when you truly pay attention to what they have to say.

—Londa Washington MA MBA NASM CPT

Nutrition is by far one of the leading culprits that make it hard to lose that tube like shape around the abdomen and lower back, I promise. Knowing the amount of calories it takes to keep you at your current weight is key to designing a sound nutritional plan. Time2TrainFitness’s head coach has the education and experience to find this number and deduct what you don’t need, but leave enough so that you don’t feel like you’re eating air.

Sleep controls more than just your mood in the morning. There are hormones that signal to your brain when you’re hungry, when to store fat, and when to release it from tissue for energy. This process is partly regulated by the amount of sleep you are getting per night. There is a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine where 3 women and 7 men between the ages of 35 and 49 participated in a study to determine if sleep affected weight loss. It was found that the people getting 5.5 hours of sleep a night lost significantly less weight and muscle than the group sleeping 7 or more hours per night. Get your 7 a night!

Exercise selection is probably the most misunderstood part of a weight loss program.  Many like to stick with just Cardio, or a strict resistance training protocol. Time2Train Fitness prefers to incorporate different elements like plyometrics, circuit training, HIIT (high intensity interval)  training, and progressive resistance training to maximize energy expenditure ie. Calorie burnage!

One last element of losing weight I want to address in this article is supplementation. There are promises of weight loss from just about everything. You have weight loss tea, stomach wraps, and even cream you rub on your stomach that smells like Vicks vapor rub, yuck. Here at Time2TrainFitness we teach our clients how to choose the supplements that work, and show how they SUPPLEMENT! the weight loss process.

Putting your plan into action

The most difficult part of any weight loss program is the action to start, and the motivation to keep going. Once your in the mindset to start making changes to your physical health, you have to take action immediately. There are a million things in our lives that help us make thousands of excuses, but once the fire is lit we have seldom seen a solid program easily extinguished. Lets get started! Let us help you address the thousands of excuses that are trying to hold you back. Time2TrainFitness has developed a program that’s prepared to help you overcome those barriers to success!